Weight loss tracker

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Passed out

Friday was fairly tramatic for me. I had to go get my pre-op clearance from the doctor. I had my EKG and then went for my blood tests. There they noticed that the hospital had put on the forms that I had to get my blood typing done at that hospital. I decided to let them do the other blood tests there since I was already there and worry about the hospital later. I had my chest x-ray too. When they tried to take my blood they had a little trouble. The nurse wanted to know if I had had enough to drink and suggested I wasn’t hydrated enough. After I decided that I might as well go to the hospital and get everything done. That didn’t go so well. The nurse tried the arm that hadn’t been done yet and she couldn’t find my vein. She called another nurse who decided to try my wrist. I was nervous about that (I was nervous about the whole thing cause I hate needles). I started to feel kinda sick and before I knew it I was laying with my head on my arm and unable to talk to the freaked nurses. I passed out. I almost had to come back another day but they said that they got just enough blood for the test. The whole experience is not giving me a lot of faith in that hospital.

Last night I went out with Diva. Diva is a friend from high school. I knew I couldn’t/shouldn’t tell her about my surgery because she would think it was too extreme. I found out last night that I was defiantly right. Diva has always been a little on the heavy side. She is also tall and big boned. In high school she used to say that she was an amazon LOL. After high school she gained a lot of weight but recently she had lost it. I haven’t seen her in almost two months. In that time she has gained some back and she isn’t too happy about that. Diva is a smart woman with little common sense about life. She has always had money troubles and right now those are the cause of her weight gain. I realized I definitely couldn’t tell her about this. I am not going through insurance to pay for my surgery. I know Diva’s insurance wouldn’t pay for it either, plus she would never be able to take off work for the amount of time she would need to recover. I felt like telling her would be like saying that I have the money to pay to be skinny. No matter how carefully I tried she would still believe that was the case. I had a great time with her but I know that next time I see her I will have some questions to answer. It will probably be another two months and by then I will have had the surgery.

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