Weight loss tracker

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So it's been about three months and my scars are still very visable. The smallest ones can't be felt anymore but they can still be seen. I really wish they would fade already. I don't know how long it took for other people to heal but I'm starting to worry that they will forever be a scarlet letter on my tummy saying "I had surgery"

Here are the pics of what they look like now. They were taken with my cell phone so they aren't the best

my puncture

My side

my belly button

If anyone can advise me on this Please Please comment!


  1. I am getting one Sept. 14th. I am too thinking of keeping a blog. I wish I could have someone to hold my hand - someone who has gone through it. I am hoping I won't be the 1 out of 500 that the sleeve doesn't work for. Sorry, I am excited and hope it will work for me like it has for you. I will be watching your blog to see your pictures and others' comments. - Heather

  2. Heather,
    If you send me your email address I'd be happy to e-mail you and keep in touch. I know how I felt when I was in your shoes and I'll answer any questions you have
